In relation to the customer's nature, the Application Portfolio Management (APM) project is among the significant activities for application development and managing technological debt. The project aimed to highlight the current condition of operational applications and the need for changes across all layers, from hardware (such as the need for increased hardware resources during peak operation) to necessary upgrades of database or application versions, to the need for migration to a new environment (such as Kubernetes), in a structured and clear manner through interactive forms and reports.
The ITSM assessment project represented a significant milestone in terms of ensuring proper communication between the evaluated parties to achieve a synergistic effect in data collection. The project aimed to evaluate the overall maturity of the organization in terms of IT processes and tools used. The first area examined was IT architecture in terms of tool support and current trends in the enterprise sector, using the Archimate modeling methodology and Enterprise Architect tool. Furthermore, the relationship between business and IT was examined with a focus on end-to-end service delivery, particularly Delivery Management processes and Service Level Management. The third area involved a comprehensive evaluation of selected ITSM processes operated in the customer's environment. Through interview techniques supported by prepared questionnaires, a clear picture of the current state was created. The overall output helped identify areas for improvement and determine the direction of further development.
The evidence of activities represents an important data source for financial, security, and other areas addressed in organizations. It serves as a fundamental building block to support operational, tactical, and strategic processes. The implementation of Asset Inventory was based on centralizing and digitizing assets into one central location with an emphasis on automating user functions (functional requirements), which helped reduce the time required for routine tasks, as well as decision-making steps during planning for future periods. In addition to the documentation of physical assets and the management of the entire lifecycle, the solution also included the classification and categorization of assets, calculation of risk levels, and evaluation of impact in relation to the customer's security standards, information security, data integrity, etc.
Supporting projects and, more generally, business activities represent a fundamental activity in the development of the country's economy. Therefore, the aim of the solution was to support projects in the field of research, development, and innovation, with an integral part being the partnership between the research, commercial, and non-profit sectors. The implemented system covers the entire project lifecycle from the announcement of public tenders, submission of project proposals, formal control, evaluation by expert bodies, contract conclusion, project implementation including controls, project closure followed by final accounting, project evaluation, and implementation of results into practice.
One of the projects in the field of financial management was the consolidation of financial data for planning, monitoring, and reporting finances in IT, used for importing and reconciling financial data from various data sources, primarily tracking contracts, projects, budgets, requests, orders, and budget spending. The implementation also included managing supporting databases for configuring and reporting cost allocations associated with operating applications on built infrastructure and costs associated with individual employees. An integral part of the application was the functionality of the shopping cart, which serves for purchasing new tangible and intangible assets and services.
Among the many successful projects, one area is the reception and processing of user requests using ITSM process modules (Incident Management, Problem Management, Service Desk (Service Request), Change Management, Release Management) within a central consolidated tool. An integral part of the implemented solution was various integrations with existing information and monitoring systems (both internally developed and global). The solution supports access for both internal and external resolution groups (interfaces). In line with current trends, support for mobile devices has been added.
At the core of ITSM processes lies the Configuration Management Database (CMDB) and the Configuration Management process. For proper functioning, high-quality data sources and automation of CMDB population to replace inefficient manual work are required. A project of this type was implemented in a significant organization where data accuracy is critical. To meet these needs, analyses of the current state of the CMDB, including a review of the Configuration Management process, were conducted. A proposal for a new CMDB (data model, AS-IS/TO-BE process) was developed with a focus on automated CMDB population using new technologies such as MS Azure or modern network solutions.
Ensuring the safety of citizens is of paramount importance and is the cornerstone of an advanced society. AHASWARE, through the delivery of software, has long been dedicated to supporting organizations dealing with this issue. As a process and development expert, it provides a contact center environment for reporting requests or wishes, facilitating timely and quality communication between experts and individuals in need of assistance. The solution utilizes modules to handle all key communication channels, ensuring both procedural and technical aspects (workflow, interactive forms, etc.).
The savings in electrical energy is an area resonating with current trends. The efficiency of electrical energy production affects end-users (households or businesses). To ensure such efficiency, the goal is to maximize the utilization of the given technology. Therefore, a project was implemented with the aim of capturing the movement of steel structures under photovoltaic panels and graphically representing the result, which, through further analysis, contributed to efficient operation and maximum utilization of electrical energy. For the photovoltaic power plant, a modular solution for data collection (faults and movements) was delivered, and their conversion into digital format for display and printing purposes.
Supporting tools for data exchange between systems are based on the ETL methodology (Extract / Transform / Load), which involves collecting data, transforming them (format, structure, normalization, etc.), and inserting them into the target system or database as required. For these purposes, a robust independent system called RECOhub was developed and implemented, ensuring the complete ETL process including supporting reconciliation mechanisms. Thanks to a rich set of additional modules, it enabled integration with various data sources and systems, particularly facilitating consolidation from multiple sources into one. This ensured scalability and significant cost savings in the future in case of the need to expand further integration points.
Simple procedures to register and handle tickets help speed up the entire ticket lifecycle process. With a focus on automation and minimizing user actions, there is a desire to utilize such tools at the expense of inappropriate practices (parallel communication channels, distorted information, etc.). Based on this idea, a mobile application was developed with the aim of reporting an incident to the Central HelpDesk tool with minimal effort from the end user, yet with sufficiently accurate information for the resolver groups. The process workflow of the mobile application was designed so that the maximum number of steps are performed automatically in the background, with the user carrying out the least interactions within the application.
The fragmented local records have been a long-standing flawed approach, leading to duplicate, outdated, and consequently invalid information. The aim of the implemented project was to unify data sources (documents, tables) and consolidate them to provide users with a unified view of the data and its structure, enabling them to plan steps in technological changes with maximum automation of individual steps (row actions and process workflows). With the proposed solution, the organization is able to record and evaluate the reality of performed tasks and retrospectively compare them to the planned state. The designed application thus benefits all levels of the organization, from administrators, designers, through middle management (technical and process planning) to top management, for whom the inputs can be one of the bases for financial or asset planning.
Increasing the number of wireless network devices and their transmissions (especially in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands) in shared spaces leads to a decrease in signal quality and mutual interference. If an organization relies heavily on such technology from a business perspective, it must promptly and effectively address any issues that arise. For this purpose, a system of WiFi probes and WiFi scanners was developed and installed. The essence of this system was to collect data from the wireless network in order to provide key information about its quality. The information obtained helped identify interfering devices, weak signals from the organization's own network devices, or other previously unknown faults.
The advantage of portal solutions lies in consolidating multiple disparate tools, systems, or applications under a unified user interface. Such a project was implemented in an organization with a wide array of tools, aiming to unify them under a single portal. The project primarily involved detailed analysis and design of the data model, consolidation of integration channels, revision and design of ITIL processes, business logic, and the lifecycle of assets and configuration items. Lastly, the key aspect was the actual migration and publication of data in a unified manner.
Operational processes in the banking sector environment support and significantly influence the operation of the company itself. Various process tools with the support of a database and set processes are used to mitigate potential risks, ensuring that all transaction settlements are executed quickly and successfully. Supportive applications are part of such tools, including management and integration applications focusing on recording and evaluating self-service devices (e.g., using map data and related actions). These timely and accurate pieces of information aid in supporting operational processes towards the business strategic level.
The area of configuration management in the environment of large companies presents a significant challenge for the organization itself and the responsible roles. In principle, the seemingly simple Configuration Management process is often underestimated, despite being an important support for the operation of other IT processes. A major challenge was the project to implement a CMDB tool together with the integration and consolidation of a wide range of data sources. Apart from other activities, the project involved detailed and precise design and implementation of a data model based on existing data structures, but in such a way that it would be compatible with most systems. A significant part of the project was the automation of data population to limit errors in manual data entry.
Another significant project focused on supporting the processes of service technicians, mainly providing the necessary information and tools for routine tasks such as service inspections or transferring work tasks between workplaces. Achieving this required the development of a mobile application for convenient fieldwork, ensuring a robust and reliable interface with multiple sources of information, including the setup of precise notifications and reports. An integral part was the creation of an attendance system, including an on-call module. These key functionalities were simultaneously supported by the core IT processes such as Configuration Management, Finance Management, Incident, and Change Management, which facilitated the creation of requests, work orders, contracts, and support for other activities related to the work of service technicians.
Digitization and automatic data completion significantly contribute to increasing work efficiency, especially in repetitive tasks. With the emergence of electronic signatures and modern trends, a project focusing on the digitization of paper protocols with an emphasis on interactive forms and automatic text completion could be developed. This aimed to minimize the effort required by workers for necessary but essential administrative tasks. Functionalities such as electronic signatures, interactive forms for electrical inspections, or preventive maintenance became common features for organization workers thanks to preset parameters. However, for the solution to have a synergistic effect, it was necessary to support it with a strong database utilizing, for example, RÚIAN data, data on physical or logical infrastructure, as well as sets of valid standards, norms, and regulations.
From a temporal and substantive perspective, an interesting project was undertaken in the area of processing customer payments. This project focused on controlling the billing of data and voice SIM cards, aiming primarily to ensure the correct billing of mobile phones and modems, especially given the large volume of operations and processed items. The accuracy and availability of data stored in the implemented solution helped expedite the evaluation of billing for both the financial and controlling departments of the organization.